Aridom Sanex

Eco-Friendly Biocides

Discover Unrivalled Protection: Leading Non-Toxic Sanitisation Solutions

At Aridom Sanex, we proudly unveil a meticulously curated selection of cutting-edge healthcare and hygiene products meticulously designed for eradicating some of the most perilous pathogens known to humanity.

Our suite of environmentally neutral biocides, coupled with innovative 'dry' misting technology, stands as a breakthrough across various applications—from clinical settings to public spaces. Engineered for versatility, our non-toxic biocides demonstrate efficacy at log 6 levels, annihilating up to 99.9999% of pathogens within a swift 30 seconds. This encompasses bacteria, mycobacteria, viruses, spores, mould, yeast, and even prions associated with dementia. It emerges as a global leader in potent, secure, and cost-effective infection control methods.

Key Advantages

Key Advantages

  • Effectively combats Coronaviruses, Influenza, Norovirus, e-Coli, Salmonella, Listeria, and more.
  • Absolutely harmless to humans, animals, plants, and the environment.
  • No necessity for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Annihilates up to 99.9999% of airborne and surface pathogens in less than 30 seconds of contact time.
  • Non-toxic product range.
  • Alcohol-free formulation—gentle on the skin.
  • Trusted and utilised by the NHS.
Diverse Applications

Diverse Applications

Our comprehensive product range and cutting-edge equipment are engineered to safely eliminate various infectious microorganisms that pose threats to human, animal, and food health.

Versatile and non-toxic, our sanitization solutions find application across healthcare, veterinary, retail, leisure, education, and the food and farming sectors, ensuring a safe and secure environment.

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